5 Myths about Cosmetic Dentistry

5 Myths about Cosmetic Dentistry

cosmetic dentist las vegas areaMore and more individuals are seeking cosmetic dental procedures because of the known benefits of these treatments especially in improving their sense of self-worth and self-confidence. While many now consider cosmetic dentistry as integral in the maintenance of optimum oral and dental health, there are still others who believe in certain myths about cosmetic dental treatments. Here are five of the common myths.

1. Cosmetic Dental Procedures are Expensive

Partly true. Cosmetic dental procedures are expensive. Compared to general teeth cleaning and tooth extractions, cosmetic dental procedures can easily run in the hundreds of dollars. But, considering that cosmetic dental procedures do not only work to improve the overall appearance of your teeth but also restores the function of your teeth, the economic implications are simply limitless. Some treatments are designed to protect your teeth from harm so you will save yourself from more expensive dental treatments later. Additionally, with teeth that is looking ever so healthy, it will be a lot easier to land your dream jobs or even to sell something to people simply because of your winning smile. Now imagine if this was translated into economic terms then you will understand that cosmetic dental procedures are relatively inexpensive. Additionally, there are many flexible payment options so you can be home with the best looking teeth at a significantly friendly price.

2. Cosmetic Dental Treatments Won’t Make Your Teeth Look Natural

On the contrary, today’s advances in dental technologies allow the development and fabrication of cosmetic dental devices that are naturally-looking than ever. People won’t simply know that you had a major upgrade done on your teeth. That is how natural today’s procedures have become.

3. Cosmetic Dental Treatments are Painful

Pain is what the person says it is. It may be painful for you but not to some. It is very subjective. However, some procedures are never more painful than having your tooth extracted while some may be simply minor discomforts. The fact of the matter is any cosmetic dentist will make sure that your treatment will proceed in a safe and comfortable manner.

4. It is Unnecessary to Get Cosmetic Procedures for the Teeth

Many individuals look at these procedures as something that is totally unnecessary. Unfortunately, these same procedures can also have some restorative functions. For example, porcelain veneers can help protect chipped and cracked teeth from further damage. Dental implants can also restore lost bone mass of the jaw. These are necessary to help prevent further dental problems.

5. Cosmetic Dental Procedures Damage Natural Teeth

Cosmetic dentists specialize in the care of the teeth and how to make the teeth look and function a lot better. They do carefully so by studying the structure of one’s teeth and if the procedures are not wise, then they will tell you outright. Generally cosmetic dentistry prides itself in saving the structure of teeth and be able to help in extending the lifespan of the teeth.

These are five of the most common myths about cosmetic dentistry procedures. It should be understood that with continuing advances in dental technology, more and more of these myths are being busted.

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