Getting the Best Results from Your Whitening Treatment

Getting the Best Results from Your Whitening Treatment

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If you’re taking time to whiten your smile, you want the best results possible. Our Blacksburg teeth whitening treatments can whiten your teeth by several shades, helping you remove year’s worth of stains or natural tooth discoloration. For the best results possible, follow these easy steps:

Avoid Dark Liquids and Tobacco
If you smoke, use smokeless tobacco, or drink dark liquids like coffee, tea or red wine – then your stain will be harder to eliminate. If you absolutely must have that glass of iced tea for an afternoon pick me up, then drink it through a straw to prevent it from coming into contact with your teeth.

Get Your Teeth Cleaned Regularly
Professional dental cleanings will remove superficial stains and tartar buildup that accumulates over time. We recommend that most people have a cleaning every 6 months to keep their mouths healthy and free of gum disease.

Touch Up Frequently
Touch up your whitening treatments for a few days at a time, every 3-4 months. This way, there are fewer and lighter stains that need to be removed over the course of time. Your teeth will stay whiter, longer, because there is less stain accumulation. Touching up after dental cleanings is more effective because the gel has direct contact with your clean enamel.

Refrigerate Your Gel
If you’re between whitening and touch-ups, store your whitening gel in the refrigerator. It helps the solution stay active longer, preventing you from needing to purchase refill gels as often.

Are you a candidate for teeth whitening? Schedule a consultation to find out. Check out our Blacksburg teeth whitening specials to enjoy professional results at an unbeatable low price. Call us today!

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